Monday, 2 May 2016

Second Skin: The Advert and promotional video

So the exciting part of creating our own brand has finally arrived! The debut of our advert and promotional video for our Swallowable Perfume- Work it Out by our brand, Second Skin. Hopefully you all like it and feel free to leave your comments below!

The Advert

After looking through our photographs that had been taken during the professional photoshoot that we took part in on Wednesday (which I am sure you have already seen in a few post earlier and if you have not yet, have a quick look so you can see the other types of shots we took during the shoot! as a group we agreed that to really sum up the effects and big idea behind our product, the perfect shot to use was an up-close of the models neck. As you can see closely we applied glycerine and oil to the model's neck to translate this vision of a women perspiring during exercise. However, the droplets do not only symbolise the perspiration as they also represent the idea that our scent intends to excrete from the skin the more a person perspires. We chose to edit the advert into black and white during post production because we really wanted to add an emphasis to the key words of our slogan which were 'SWEAT' and 'CONFIDENCE' which were both words which we built our big idea of encouraging women to feel confident in their own skin during the gym and to not be afraid to break a sweat. Furthermore, we also thought it was appropriate to add our logo, social media username and the actual name of our product to the advert to promote ourselves on different social platforms and allow viewers to see that it was a product we were aiming to advertise alongside a sort of confidence boost and lifestyle. We added our brand name to further represent ourselves and so that our consumer knew who the minds behind this idea were.

The Promotional Video

In terms of our promotional video for Second Skin scent, we wanted to make it short, snappy and effective. Therefore, we thought it was best to create a video that incorporated both our slogan and action shots of an athletic woman working out and swallowing our product. When creating the video we took into consideration that we had to make it look trustworthy, positive and honest because many consumers do not always feel comfortable about taking tablets due to its association with illness or drug use. Therefore, although the advert is quite serious, powerful and straight to the point we still wanted to show that regular young millennial girls like the model featured in the video are motivated to use Swallowable Perfume and trust our pure product which is filled with natural and fresh ingredients to enhance performance and leave the wearer's body smelling refreshed and hygienic.

Take a look at our promotional video below!


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