In terms of our product, we wanted to create a scented product which was targeted towards millennial women who are athletic and motivated to go to the gym and work out. However, they tend to hold back in the gym due to feeling self- conscious about the bad odour which tends to develop after you sweat. Therefore, we came up with the idea to create a swallowable perfume product which the customer would swallow as part of their daily gym routine just before they start to exercise and which would then work as they began to work out. Since one of our values is to encourage women to sweat, the product works in the way that the more a person perspires, the scent will excrete from their skin surface through the molecules and form a fresh scent which gets stronger when levels of perspiration rise.
We chose the name Second Skin because we wanted to translate the message that when the person perspired and the scent excreted from their body that they were creating a physical second skin for themselves.

In terms of our packaging, we wanted to replicate the simplicity and minimalism of packages by brands such as Bootea, MAC and TopShop makeup to create a clean, clear looking product which was pure and honest for the customer to depend on and trust. Considering the product is in the form of a capsule which many people may not feel safe putting into their body, it is important that we make the product look as safe, attractive and fresh as possible.

Price/ Place of Sale:
In terms of stores for our product to be sold in, we would potentially sell it within gyms, sports shops and health shops. After researching other fitness and health products which intend to enhance performance, freshness or health such as Protein World and Bootea, our product would possibly be sold for around £20, similarly to the prices of these products due to their continuous high demand from millennials. However with the product also having similarities to a deodorant, it could also be sold in the toiletries section of health and beauty stores.
Our Brand Values:
- A promise to you to help you feel confident in your own skin
- Encouraging you to achieve your lifestyle goals
- We are committed to being bold, innovative and determined
Our Brand/Product in three points:
- An edible product which replaces the smell of sweat with a fresh scent
- To promote confidence and give power to women; allow them to smell good and ultimately feel good whilst achieving their goals during exercise
- a brand for someone who is interested in the health and fitness trend but also needs a quick fix to match their lifestyle
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