Sunday, 17 January 2016

New York Minutes: Places I Visited

It has only been a few hours since I arrived back in Nottingham from New York but I just couldn't wait to share all the photos of the places I visited during my week away. I have put together a timeline of photographs featuring majority of the destinations we visited! There will be other posts added to my 'New York Minutes' series about the places where I ate, shopped and the exhibitions I saw within the next couple of days so keep an eye out!

But until then, here is an overview of my trip!
We visited the likes of Times Square, Central Park, the Rockefeller centre, Soho, Chelsea Market and Brooklyn just to name a few and each place that I had not previously visited definitely lived up to the surreal expectations I had! 

Out of all the places I visited on the trip I would say my favourites were either the Rockefeller Centre or Ground Zero. The view from the Rockefeller is so breathtakingly picture esqe and so much better if you want to see the whole city including the Empire State Building. Also, going up the Rock at sunset really intensifies your experience and view of the skyline because the colours of the sky are so painterly and beautiful. (It's also probably a lot warmer than going up late at night!!)

As for Ground Zero, although I have been before, I still received the same sad and devastated emotions that I had the two previous times I had visited. (My first time being before the memorial was built and when the city still felt unsettled and shaken by the losses). Visiting the memorial really puts the incident into perspective, especially when you see all of the names that have been engraved onto each waterfall memorial signifying the lives that were lost. Although the incident was so traumatising for New York, it is still lovely to see that people still visit on a daily basis to place delicate white roses onto the name of their lost one to remember and celebrate their lives. 

Day 1:
Times Square- The centre of the city that never sleeps. You must take a trip into Times Squares Sephora but I can assure you that you will not leave empty handed. I certainly did not!

Seventh Avenue/ Fashion Walk of Fame. Many of the biggest garment factories in the world are located on Seventh Avenue. If you want to read more about my time spent in the fashion District of New York take a look at my 'Garment Tour' post!

Radio City- Famous for their Christmas Spectacular show and performances from the Rockettes, Radio City's bright lights can't be missed whilst strolling down Fifth Avenue.

Day 2:

Flat Iron Building- This building confuses me so much! It is triangular but as you walk passed it, it appears completely straight! It is also known as one of the most ground breaking architectures ever and one of the most iconic buildings in New York City.

Washington Square Park
We actually ended up here whilst getting lost on our way to Soho but it was lovely to stroll around the area of NYU and get a feel for the American college lifestyle.


NOHO/SOHO- North and South of Houston

We were just passing through NOHO to reach SOHO but from what I experienced it seemed like a nice area. SOHO however, is great for shopping! Alongside Bloomingdales, Brandy Melville and Converse, one shop I particularly enjoyed visiting was 'Opening Ceremony' as I am a huge fan of their clothing and their cool, diverse style. I have also included a few images of their in store- visual merchandising on my 'New York Minutes- Visual Merchandising + Snake Skin Craze'.

Top of the Rock (Rockefeller Centre)
Definitely one of my favourite visits on the trip!!

Grand Central Station
Grand Central Station is another New York destination that is home to some of the greatest scenes on television and movie, (Just my Luck and Gossip Girl) and was another place that made my trip feel even more surreal. The busy and upbeat atmosphere in the station just reflects the excitement of New York. Another thing I learnt while visiting Grand Central Station was that they have a whispering gallery where you can go and if two people stand at the diagonal arches and whisper, they can hear each other's voices "telegraphed" from across the way. Weird, right?

Chelsea Market
A really great place to eat if your around the area of Chelsea as you are spoilt for choice with all the different cultural cuisines. We dined at 'Giovanni Rana's' which you can read about in my 'New York Minutes: Places to eat in New York' blog post.

A great sale if your looking for a designer bargain!

Madison Square Gardens 
I did not get to go into Madison Square Gardens but one thing that is on my bucket list for the future is to go watch a basketball game or a concert at the arena!

Day 3:

Brooklyn Bridge
This bridge was definitely a lot longer to walk across than I had first assumed but taking in the view of the New York's financial district was worth seeing!


For a great view of the Manhattan Bridge, I would definitely suggest going to DUMBO in Brooklyn! It is also known as one of the best instagram photo/selfie destinations of New York! Have a look at mine I uploaded on my profile - katefergusonx

Wall Street
So we wanted to do something a little different on our trip besides visiting the likes of Times Square and Central Park, so we thought we would take a trip down Wall Street, a home to the aspiring and successful brokers of New York and the stock market.

Ground Zero

My other favourite place to visit on the trip, although it was an extremely sad and eye opening experience!

The High Line
I was not sure when it would be a good time to visit the High Line as I had not actually been before so as a group we thought we would squeeze it in after our long day in Brooklyn. We decided to randomly go after sunset one night on our trip, which turned out the be the best time possible to go! Everything looks a lot prettier and the street art can be appreciated so much more due to the lights that surround the area.

Day 4:

Fashion Institute of Technology
To read all about my experience at FIT, go to my 'Exhibition Time' post, which includes my reviews on 'Denim: Fashions Frontier' and 'Fairytale Fashion' which are both still being showcased right now!

Central Park
To get a feel of the upper east side of Manhattan on our final day, we spent our afternoon in Central Park. Although I intended to go ice skating (something I cringingly backed out of with fear of falling flat on my face) it was still great to be amongst the lively and friendly atmosphere that takes over the entire park.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
To read all about my experience at the Met, go to my 'Exhibition Time!' blog post!

Day 5:

Magnolia Bakery
So I finally got my Carrie Bradshaw moment outside the Magnolia Bakery on Fifth Avenue on my final day of the trip. The cupcakes and deserts they offer look and taste amazing as Magnolia brings an authenticity and dedication to their cuisine. It is also so iconic to New York and those who are Sex and the City fans!

The Empire State Building
Our hotel was directly behind the Empire State Building so even though I did not go up this time, I still had a pretty good view of the building itself. It is mad to see a building so tall, considering I am from a city where there are not any skyscrapers at all but just minimalistic architectural buildings.

[images: own photography]

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