Sunday 17 January 2016

New York Minutes: I'm Back!

Hello everyone! Apologies for not blogging for the past few days, but I am now back from New York and ready to share with you all, the things I got up to over the past six days!! As you may have seen, I had already written a 'Places to Visit in New York' list. Therefore, I had a strong idea of the things I wanted to do while being in the city and managed to get a good few of them done which I am sooo excited to blog about!

I am really lucky to say that this was actually my third time in New York and even though I am already quite familiar with navigating myself around the city, that didn't mean that re-visiting every place again wasn't as exciting as it was the first time! I also got to do many things which I had not done during my previous visits to the city, which made me even more connected with the city! This was the first time I had visited without my parents so as scary as it was, the trip really gave me confidence and independence to think on my own feet and push myself out of my comfort zone. In my opinion by gaining this independence, it just adds to the whole university lifestyle and experience.

 I had possibly one of the best trips I have ever been on and loved every second of it! (Even if I could not feel my hands and feet properly as we ventured across the Brooklyn Bridge in -4°c, which being a cold person already, was not good for the circulation. But who cares when you're in New York!)

 I didn't just have a good time because it is my favourite city in the world but also because this time I got to spend it with a few of my closest friends from my fashion degree course which allowed us to bond and get to know each other really well. It was also a good opportunity to get to know other people on the course who I had not properly met yet which is always a bonus especially since I am still only a fresher at university! I would also like to thank the lecturers for making something like this possible. Many other universities or courses do not offer such outstanding trips like Trent does and it just makes me even more grateful to be part of a course, which allows their students to become socially and culturally accustomed, with the different fashions around the world.

Obviously, I have many, many photos and memories to share so I will be blogging my different experiences throughout the next couple of days! I also came across many inspirational fashion influences during my visit which are perfect to share on my blog, especially if you have looked at my posts about the 'Snake Skin Trend'. If there's one thing for sure, New York's visual merchandisers LOVE snake skin at the moment, so this was extremely helpful with my current project I am working on for my course.

Hopefully I will visit the city again sometime soon but until then, I hope you enjoy reading my 'New York Minutes' series about where I visited, where I ate and what I bought this time round! (Yes, I know I stole the name of the Olsen twin's movie, but it is one of my all-time favourite films that were shot in New York, so I guess I am kind of allowed.)

As Always,

Kate x

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