Friday 14 April 2017

Celebrating the work of Juergen Teller

Following on from my last post, I thought that again, I would share with you some of my own interests in fashion, which heavily influence the work that I produce on my course; Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. Therefore, to avoid rambling on, this week I thought I would share with you some of my favourite pieces from the acclaimed photographer, Juergen Teller. An inspiration to all aspiring fashion photographers, Teller has worked with some the biggest names in the industry including Vivienne Westwood, Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs, whilst also being the eyes behind the iconic aesthetic that has been visually translated throughout many of CĂ©line's advertising campaigns for the last couple of years. With an over exposed appeal and a relentless attitude towards the visualisation of fashion, Teller's piece offer a sense of urban realism, whilst also being a reflection of the high editorial image that is projected throughout many designer's collections nowadays.

Here is a few of my favourite projects that the photographer has captured during his years in the industry.
Louis Vuitton Series 2 2015 S/S - Spring Summer

Celine 2011 S/S - Spring Summer 

Louis Vuitton Series 4 2016 S/S - Spring Summer
Marc Jacobs 2013 Fall Campaign
Marc Jacobs 2008 S/S - Spring Summer 

Marc Jacobs 2008 S/S - Spring Summer 

Vivienne Westwood 2015 A/W - Autumn Winter

Vivienne Westwood 2009 S/S - Spring Summer

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