Insight #1
As for our first insight, we found a lot of research that covered the rise in the amount of people who were joining the gym in 2015 and we also found that it was many 16-24 (millennial) consumers who were more likely to pay for a gym membership. With this information, we then looked into consumer statistics and research based on whether people believed that their deodorants were long lasting and whether they thought they were getting the most out of them when they perspired during sports activity. We found that the answer was no. Therefore, for our first insight we wanted to create a scented product which would allow gym goers to continue going to the gym but to use a product which would control body odour and cover the smell of sweat in an innovative way. After looking deeply into different ways of using a fragrance we then discovered the idea of 'Swallowable Perfume' which was originally created by the artist Lucy McCrae. However, to adapt her idea to our target consumer of an athlete and constant gym goer, we were inspired to create a fragrance that a person could physically eat or drink which would go into their body and would then react with their sweat molecules and create a fresh natural and clean smell when they sweated, rather than the common bad odour that occurs.
Our target consumer is a young millennial women who is energetic, motivated, healthy and matches the archetype of an 'athlete'. She is also a woman who is willing to experiment and try new things as during our research we also found that "younger adults are more likely to try new/less traditional deodorant format types". Therefore, this sort of consumer would be more likely to try a scented product which they possibly swallowed to prevent bad smells and which would be long lasting due to its reaction with the human body. Furthermore, we also thought our specific target consumer would be most likely to follow lifestyle bloggers such as Lydia Millen and be a person who used products such as TeaTox, Hello Fresh and BooTea which all cultivate together as products that we would categorise within the 'diet craze' trend. Furthermore, we also thought that it would be best fitted within the UK market since the statistics we found were suggesting that more and more British individuals were engaging in exercise and using the gym frequently.
We chose this specific market of gym goer's as we were starting to notice through research that the health and fitness trend was becoming a huge influence on individuals lives and therefore, we believed that by providing people with this alternative to bad odour, we could also engage more people into getting fit, living a healthy lifestyle and enjoying themselves during exercise. Therefore, although our target consumer is primarily those who are dedicated gym goers we also thought it would really appeal to those who feel self-conscious about going to the gym to explore further consumer personalities and archetypes.
Although it is early days and we still have two other insights, I have great hopes that this alternative scented product could really have potential.

Swallowable Perfume by Lucy McCrae
Insight #2
Our second idea revolved around a consumer that matched the profile of a working mother who is having trouble balancing her family and having a career. Therefore, our target consumer ultimately was a woman who was looking for a bit of TLC and relaxation but also an energising boost to get her through her hectic schedule. As for our archetype for this specific customer, we said that she would potentially be the Caregiver or Spiritualist due to her careless personality and need to put her family before herself. However we also said she would be the spiritualist because this is arguably a women who is seeking a balance between their life, physical needs and emotions whilst looking for a sense of healing. We were inspired by the whole trend of people nowadays wanting to get a 'quick fix' product which they can use whenever, wherever and which they do not need to trek miles to get. In this case we wanted to kind of bring the idea of a spa or aroma therapy to a women's home or in the form of a product where they can carry this revitalising booster around with them all day, everyday.
Therefore, during our research we looked into statistics based on women's health, stress rates, which city or country had the highest percentage of working mothers and which cities across the globe attained the most stressed out citizens. We also looked into research that found that less and less British individuals were being able to sleep properly at night and who were therefore, looking for "home air care products that aided relaxation and sleep and a fifth of users of air fresheners who were interested in products featuring energising fragrances and 10% in air fresheners that help them get up in the morning.”-Mintel's Air Care Report 2015
In terms of our inspiration to create both an energising and relaxation scent, we looked into the pop up Pharmacafes which were developed by the scientific duo Bompas and Parr in Dubai. The Phaarmacafe was an innovative experience that looked at the future of health care. The experience consisted of the duo filling a room with peppermint and ginger mists and herbal drink concoctions which visitors of the café were able to go in and try and breath in the mist. By combining these powerful scents and natural ingredients which were taken in via the consumer's senses of smell and taste, Bompas and Parr were able to create an experience that was energising and which promoted alertness, well-being and memory. Therefore, we wanted to take this same sort of physical experience but translate it into a regular home lifestyle product which would give women the opportunity to gain this experience quickly through either a home dispenser or a fragrance that they could carry around with them on their way to and from work. If it were a product at home we thought that it would be best to be used in the bathroom whilst a person was showering or bathing.

Insight #3
For our third insight we were inspired by the ‘Technology Advancements’ trend and how society is expanding into a digital age where consumers are buying more electrical gadgets than ever. Therefore, we wanted to reflect this expansion of technology into scent but in a way which would allow a consumer to wear a scent without necessarily spraying it onto their body. It also touches on the trend of the ‘Quick fix’ as a person would not need to carry on applying this scent continuously or carry a bottle as they would possibly be already wearing the scent via a digital gadget or piece of jewellery. Our product would communicate a vision of new technology, forward thinking and accessibility to fragrance when and wherever you want in order to reflect the current state of modern society where people want everything as soon as possible and up to date.
Due to decline in male’s purchasing fragrance products for themselves, our target consumer is a male in technology advanced countries who like to keep up to date with the newest technology, innovations, media and is not afraid to experiment. Also due to our research, we found that the most technological countries in the world right now are Japan, Singapore, USA, UK, Sweden and Finland. Therefore, we would predominantly focus on promoting the product in these origins to entail a great customer loyalty and interest.

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