(Some of these were very popular in 2015 but have followed into this year as you may be able to tell)
Live Action Fairy-tale remakes
Ever since the remake of Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton back in 2010 then the following creation of the female leading adaptation of Cinderella in 2015, the traditional renditions of live action fairy tale movies have become a huge marketing strategy for the world of Disney and is set to expand further this year and into 2017. So which other classic fairy tales are on their way? And are they being retold in a traditional way or are Disney starting to adapt a revisionist approach? One thing we know for sure is that this trend is going to be a make or break for the company as viewers are not too keen on seeing knew versions of their favourite classics. However, let's have a look at what they have to offer in the next year...
Beauty and the Beast (release date: March 2017)

Jungle Book (release date: April 2016)
Dumbo possibility
Apparently there has been talks of a collaboration between Tim Burton and Ehren Kruger to create a remake of the classic flying elephant tale. I can't really see how this would be possible yet, but if they can remake the Jungle Book which has many animals in it, I am sure Disney will be able to create an impressive Dumbo movie if Tim Burton is behind it to.
Mary Poppins possibility?
Personally, I think a classic like this should never be remade and no one can ever replace Julie Andrews and Dick van Dyke dancing around the 'chimneys' of London but apparently Disney think differently with the possible remake of this tale. However, apparently it is not entirely a remake as the author, PL Travers had written eight different books about the magical nanny. Therefore, the narrative of this potential film is more likely to be a prequel to the first book. Strange but intriguing, I know... The film is set to release during 2017 so fingers crossed it is something special and worthy of replacing the 1964 actors.
Revisionist Approach
Gap in the market? Telling the stories of the bad and less significant characters which people are not as aware of. Disney have already started to do this with Malificient and at the time it was not something we were seeing that frequently but it seems that this may be starting to happen more with the possible arrival of films such as Cruella de Vil, Tinkerbell and Prince Charming being put into production.
By creating revisionist editions of the traditional tale, this is a way of still promoting the same story but in a modern untold way to engage viewers rather than re-telling the likes of Cinderella (which offered the same story but with better quality of filming). Also by telling the stories of other protagonist or supporting characters, the industry would be able look more into the original tales which offered a lot more detail about these characters. For instance and in some fairy tale cases, they would arguably be referring back to the tales of the Grimm Brother's or Hans Christian Anderson who wrote some of these famous tales and gave these characters more in depth roles. However, they were also known for making the narratives a lot less child friendly and not as happy and magical as the stories are 'traditionally' perceived today. Therefore, this kind of twist for the theme of fairy tale could be a great strategy for the film industry to pull in a mature viewer and keep the idea of traditional yet innovative fantasy alive.
Cruella de Vil (release date: 2017/2018)
Tinkerbell (unknown release date)
Prince Charming (unknown release date)
Huntsman (prequel to the tale of Snow White)
The promotion of transgenderism
Obviously transgenderism has been around for quite a while and dates all the way back to the 1930's when the Danish painter Einar Weneger underwent the first ever surgery to fully become a woman. However, recently gender fluidity is something that is being massively promoted within the media due to its exposure within runway shows, editorials, television, film and even the merchandising of makeup. Two specific examples of gender fluidity within the media for 2016 is Jaden Smith's editorial campaign for Louis Vuitton, Caitlyn Jenner's (formerly known as Bruce Jenner) new lipstick for the makeup brand MAC and the debut of the film 'The Danish Girl' starring Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander which reveals the first ever story behind the idea of transgenderism and Einer Weneger who I previously mentioned before. But why is it all starting to come out in 2016? Is society becoming more accepting?
Diversity and multi-culturalism is expanding and therefore, these identities are more accepted among people. This could be is a possible reason why the industry are promoting this cultural change so vigorously. Therefore, a movement like this is allowed to happen because there is not as much backlash as there would have been during the 20th century because people are fully aware of the idea and the processes behind this gendered crossover.
Furthermore, by Caitlyn Jenner naming her lipstick 'Finally Free' this just demonstrates how far society has came in terms of accepting people for their differences therefore, the former Olympic athlete is able to walk around free and to be whoever he/she wants to be because of this revolutionary shaping of societies values.
Here is a look at the transgender trends for 2016.
Louis Vuitton's gender fluid couture campaign featuring Jaden Smith
Caitlyn Jenner for MAC lipstick 'Finally Free'
'The Danish Girl' starring Eddie Redmayne 2016 film
To read my full review of the movie follow this link...
The Diet Craze
If you haven't tried Bootea yet surely you will have a friend who has! I can't say I have but I know plenty of people who are jumping onto this bandwagon with the hope of slimming down, feeling healthier and looking good. If Vanessa Hudgens does it surely it works right? That seems to be the thought going through all our minds when we order this demon of a diet in a bag product off the internet. But does it work or is it just another fad that is taking over the diet world??
As for the other major diet crazes that seem to be trending right now, it seems that online brands such as Diet Chef and Hello Fresh are providing people with a quick fix alternative of getting out of cooking their daily meals and still being healthy at the same time. Sounds like a dream doesn't it? This is one trend that is sure to take off with more and more individuals finding it hard to balance a careers, family and being able to eat right at the same time.
Detoxing- BOOTEA Teatox's
Easy meal deliveries-
Diet Chef
Hello Fresh
Global Warming
So we all know about Leonardo De Caprio's speech at the Oscars and if you didn't now you do. Some may say it was the wrong time, wrong place but all it takes is one person who is seen as a role model to many to say it. Look how fast word has already gone round due to this communication of a meaningful message! It's not exactly a trend but people are starting to become so much more awareness about global warming, climate problems and risks to the environment therefore, inidividuals are trying to find ways that they can contribute to the well being of the planet. If there's one person who can talk a crowd of people into recycle more, its definitely Leonardo De Caprio.
Just for you all who did not get a chance to hear the speech, I picked out the most significant parts from what he said during his acceptance of his Oscar.
Leonardo De Caprio's speech at the Oscars- "Climate change is real, it is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people out there who would be most affected by this...Let us not take this planet for granted."
Intergalactic and technology films
Although majority of these films came out in 2015, it shows that it is becoming an increasingly popular trend within film that is set to take over in the near future. As generations pass we are starting to become more scientifically aware about the planets around us, see more imaginative fantasy narratives being developed and futuristic technological possibilities which could lead to the new inventions and discoveries. If ideas like these are being explored now, who knows what could happen in ten years time. Here are just a few films which are demonstrating this film trend!
Gravity (2015 film) starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney
The Martian (2015 film) starring Matt Damon
Tomorrowland (2015 film) starring George Clooney
Star Wars : The Force Awakens (2015 film)
The use of Social Media and Live Feeds
In 2016 it is becoming a big trend for social media users to be able to see what other people are doing constantly, whether this may be via status updates or the new craze of live feeds where users of applications such as Snapchat, Facebook and Periscope can record what they are doing at the exact moment and share it online for people to watch globally. This is a great application for individuals to watch catwalk shows, behind the scenes filmography or to just see what their friends are getting up to around the world and is sure to become a bigger trend as we get further into the year!

Facebook ' Live' update

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