First it was Snapchat and the use of live streams and now the global fashion magazine have taken even further steps in the world of social media by making their publications even more accessible through to promotion of their own WhatsApp chat. Vogue is also the first fashion magazine to join the social messaging app which suggest that many others such as Harper's Bazaar, Glamour and Marie Claire may be following behind soon.
“Joining our group means we’ll message you as soon as the creative director of Dior is announced, or the Chanel catwalk pictures go live, or the Oscars dresses land on the site: no more scouring Twitter or relying on tabloids for your latest fashion fix.” Vogue told their readers.
All you have to do to receive these alerts is save this number to your contacts ( +44 7903 521780) then send the word 'FASHION' to the number on WhatsApp then you will start receiving the alerts in no time. You are also free to leave the group at anytime which you can do by sending the message 'STOP' but who would want to cut this sort of information out of their lives?!
Here is an example of what to expect!
However, Vogue also value the fact that they do not want to flood your chat feed with endless information that may start to annoy you. Therefore, they have restricted themselves to just two alerts a day but still ensure that users will receive breaking fashion news headlines straight to their phones first. WhatsApp is also a great alternative to receiving this news from Facebook and Twitter because it offers a space that’s safe from ad blockers where you are free to sit back and enjoy some of the most exclusive news in the industry.
Personally, I love having this edition to my WhatsApp because it means I can access the latest news at anytime and store it in my phone to re-read and refer back to. Furthermore, it also means I do not have to search around the web myself to find this information because it is sat their waiting for me in my inbox. Obviously I do think that it is a slight deviation away from buying magazines but alongside millions of others I am still a loyal customer to Vogue magazine. Therefore, I cannot see them running out of business due to this further genius expansion into social media applications.
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