Friday 31 March 2017

Celebrating the work of Tracey Emin

Since I haven't done a blog post exploring my tastes in fashion for a while, I thought I would dedicate this blog post to one of my favourite artists in the industry, whose work has influenced many creatives across the landscape for decades. Creating artwork since the late 80's, Tracey Emin is known for her confrontational and expressionist pieces, using a variety of mediums including drawing, painting, sculpture, film, photography, neon text and sewn appliqué.

Although many of her concepts and subjects have firstly been perceived as shocking, Emin has carried onto to translate her individual aesthetic by discussing her experiences as a female confidently through her work and being very open about her relationship with her body. Although many do feel that her expressive approach to her work is too confessional, Emin has been known to a vital role model for the younger generation of women who have lacked the qualities that she so effortlessly expresses.

An inspiration to many creatives, Emin has influence a lot of the work that I have created for many year throughout my A Levels and both my degree, therefore, I am more than excited to share with you some of my favourite pieces from her outstanding archive of work.

My Favourite Pieces:

Hate and Power Can be a Terrible Thing

My Bed

The Soul will Always Do What it needs to do

Remembering 1963

Punk. It's Traces in Contemporary Art

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