Friday 28 April 2017


So lately during my university course, we were set the project of creating a fashion film based on a certain colour. In a group, with seven other girls on my course, we were given the colour of red, which then led us to research the concept of adrenaline and how this affect youths in society. After doing some in-depth research into the emotion of adrenaline, we then came up with the following concept for our video which was also influenced by a focus group that we carried out with a group of young adults, who had all experienced the feeling of adrenaline after taking illegal substances.

Linking the colour of red with he emotion of adrenaline, inspired us to create a conceptual series of moving images, portraying real experiences of substance use.

Stills from the film:

To avoid visualizing our video in a serious way, we have communicated both the concept and the execution of the video to fit an extremely stylized appeal and to pull on light-hearted emotions and solely scientific reactions, to ensure that our video did not offend anyone in anyway. We also did this because we were aware of the negative connotations associated with drug abuse and this was something that we did not want to make clear at all within the video as we also wanted to make the viewer think about what they were watching but to also find humor along the way.


Please follow the link to view our colour film- FIZZ.RUSH.BUBBLE


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