Sunday, 1 January 2017

A change in identity...

Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts in the past month! I have been really busy balancing the festive period with completing a tonne of university work. As you can probably see, I have undergone a transformation on my blog so now I have my very own brand identity as my header! This identity was designed and created entirely by myself and I am extremely proud of it as it was my very first experience of designing something that was a true representation of my individuality! If you would like to see more about the development and execution of my brand identity you can head over to my new online portfolio:
Not only does the portfolio include my brand identity development but you can also view my new business card on there as well!

In terms of what is up and coming this month, as usual I will be updating my blog weekly with everything I am getting up to that explores the creative and fashion industry. Firstly, I will be sharing a few key pieces of work that I have taken part in over the past two months which I am extremely proud of and excited to share. Then as time goes on I will be beginning to share new content surrounding key trends for 2017, my trip to Berlin in mid January and as always many reviews of new influential cultural landscapes that I come across.

Anyway, I wish you all the best new year and keep checking out my blog for new updates!

Thank you,

Kate Emily Ferguson!

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