Saturday, 10 October 2015

Exploring Nottingham- FCP Treasure Hunt

FCP Treasure Hunt
So as a task during the first couple of days of my course studying Fashion Communication and Promotion, the lecturers placed the students into smaller groups of about five, gave us a map, a set of 45 clues and told us to go explore Nottingham to try and find 45 cool niche destinations. As you can imagine, for someone who has just came from a small city in the North East, to probably the biggest student based city with hundreds of quirky cafes, bars and any shop a girl can dream of; this could either be extremely challenging or a gift to someone studying fashion. Obviously I went with the latter choice!

The task took my group about two days to complete and also as part of the task, we had to take photos of every destination we found and place them into a collage resembling an Instagram feed. Could you really ask for a better first assignment for university?

Anyway, here are some of my favourite images I photographed on my way around Nottingham!

Stealth Night Club

Rescue Rooms

The Bodega

Spanky Van Dykes


Nottingham Castle

Nottingham Castle

The Canalhouse Bar and Restaurant

Fopp Music Store

Nottingham Society of Artists Gallery

Baklash Vintage Shop

Window Display of Baklash Vintage Shop

Ideas on Paper magazine shop

Again, Ideas on Paper magazine shop

Cobden Chambers

Page 45 Book shop

Page 45

Page 45

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

Paul Smith

Hopkinson Vintage antique shop

I do intend, within the next few days, to go back out into Nottingham and explore further a field, to see other potential places to eat, drink and shop. So keep an eye out for my next post!

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