Saturday, 10 October 2015

A New Chapter

Hi, so this is my very first post to my blog using Blogger! If you're reading this thank you for taking your time to do so, as I am still getting used to it. In the previous two years, I have had on and off blogs with websites such as Wordpress and Instagram. However, I decided to start fresh, as I wanted to really develop a critical and analytical blog, which would allow me to express and discuss my own views and opinions on all things fashion and culture. Whether these views may be in awe of the fashion world and new seasonal trends, or completely the opposite. I also intend to write about bits and bobs I come across on a daily basis, such as what I am reading, watching or places I am visiting.

  In September 2015 I started studying Fashion Communications and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. When I started the course, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to really get involved in social networking and promoting myself as a fashion communication student, whilst also using the blog as a platform for experience and a push towards looking more in depth in regards to the fashion industry. It also gives me the opportunity to really connect with articles that other fashion bloggers are writing, and allows me to learn about cultural, social and even economic differences around the globe in terms of trend and style.

About my course

  So in my opinion, Fashion Communication and Promotional is quite a creative yet academic course, with aspects such as graphics, advertisement, PR, self-promotion, events and live projects. Furthermore, it cannot go unsaid that the course provides students with amazing opportunities such as field trips to different cities around the world, to look at social trends and really see how other countries are communicating and embracing their nationalities style. I would definitely recommend this course to future university students, not only because of the opportunities you receive but also because of the eclecticism that this course has to offer. It allows students to really interpret fashion with their own visual ideas, providing creative skills and confidence within your work which is a key attribute for doing well in the fashion industry.
  Although I do enjoy creative writing, I do have a strong desire for home interior and the design element of fashion. Some may ask why I did not go into courses such as Fashion Design or Interior design but I truly felt Fashion Communication and Promotion was the better choice for me. It has really opened my eyes to see that there is so much more to fashion and not just in terms of clothing but different products to. In my eyes everything is some sort of fashion, whether it be the design on a can of pop or the print on an iPhone case, you can truly find inspiration from anything.

  More importantly, I intend to share with you, all the things I come across that I think are promoted and communicated in a fashionable way, as I learn more about the way the fashion industry works during my time as an FCP student.

Thank you for reading,
Kate x

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